Vercel Not Applying Images and CSS: A Comprehensive Guide to Resolve the Issue
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Vercel Not Applying Images and CSS: A Comprehensive Guide to Resolve the Issue

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Are you frustrated with Vercel not applying your images and CSS files? You’re not alone! Many developers have faced this issue, and it’s more common than you think. In this article, we’ll dive into the possible causes and provide step-by-step solutions to get your images and CSS working seamlessly with Vercel.

Understanding Vercel’s Build Process

Before we dive into the solutions, it’s essential to understand how Vercel’s build process works. Vercel uses a build process to optimize and deploy your website. During this process, Vercel generates a static site, which can sometimes lead to issues with images and CSS files.

Vercel’s build process involves the following steps:

  1. Compilation: Vercel compiles your code, including HTML, CSS, and JavaScript files.
  2. Optimization: Vercel optimizes your code by minifying, compressing, and caching files.
  3. Static Site Generation: Vercel generates a static site by rendering your pages and storing them as HTML files.
  4. Deployment: Vercel deploys your static site to its global edge network.

Possible Causes of Vercel Not Applying Images and CSS

Now that we understand Vercel’s build process, let’s explore the possible causes of Vercel not applying images and CSS:

  • Incorrect File Paths: Incorrect file paths can prevent Vercel from applying images and CSS files. Check if your file paths are correct and relative to the root of your project.
  • Missing Files: Ensure that all images and CSS files are present in your project directory. Vercel won’t deploy files that are not present.
  • Cache Issues: Cache issues can cause Vercel to serve stale or incorrect files. Try clearing your browser cache and redeploying your site.
  • Plugin Configuration: Misconfigured Vercel plugins can prevent images and CSS files from being applied. Review your plugin configurations and ensure they’re correctly set up.
  • Deployment Settings: Incorrect deployment settings can cause Vercel to ignore images and CSS files. Review your deployment settings and ensure they’re correctly configured.

Step-by-Step Solutions to Resolve the Issue

Now that we’ve identified the possible causes, let’s dive into the step-by-step solutions to resolve the issue:

Solution 1: Verify File Paths

Check your file paths to ensure they’re correct and relative to the root of your project. Use the following code snippet as an example:

<img src="/images/logo.png" alt="Logo">

In this example, the image file path is relative to the root of the project. If your image is located in a subdirectory, update the file path accordingly.

Solution 2: Verify File Presence

Ensure that all images and CSS files are present in your project directory. Use the following command to verify file presence:

ls -l public/images

This command will list all files in the `public/images` directory. If a file is missing, add it to your project directory.

Solution 3: Clear Cache and Redeploy

Clear your browser cache and redeploy your site using the following command:

vercel build && vercel deploy

This command will rebuild and redeploy your site, ensuring that all files are updated and cache issues are resolved.

Solution 4: Review Plugin Configuration

Review your Vercel plugin configurations to ensure they’re correctly set up. Check the following plugins:

  • @vercel/static-headers: Ensure that this plugin is configured correctly and not interfering with image and CSS file deployment.
  • @vercel/optimizer: Verify that this plugin is not minifying or compressing files incorrectly, causing issues with image and CSS deployment.

Use the following code snippet as an example:

module.exports = {
  plugins: [
      name: '@vercel/static-headers',
      config: {
        headers: [
            source: '/:path*',
            headers: [
                key: 'Cache-Control',
                value: 'public, max-age=31536000',

Solution 5: Review Deployment Settings

Review your deployment settings to ensure they’re correctly configured. Check the following settings:

  • Public Directory: Ensure that the public directory is set correctly and points to the root of your project.
  • Build Command: Verify that the build command is correctly set and includes all necessary files.

Use the following code snippet as an example:

module.exports = {
  buildCommand: 'npm run build',
  publicDirectory: 'public',

Additional Troubleshooting Tips

In addition to the above solutions, here are some additional troubleshooting tips to help you resolve the issue:

  • Check Vercel Logs: Check Vercel logs for any errors or warnings related to image and CSS file deployment.
  • Verify File Permissions: Ensure that file permissions are set correctly, and Vercel has access to read and write files.
  • Test in Different Environments: Test your site in different environments, such as development and production, to isolate the issue.
  • Seek Community Support: Seek support from the Vercel community or online forums if you’re still experiencing issues.


Vercel not applying images and CSS files can be frustrating, but it’s a common issue that can be resolved with the right solutions. By understanding Vercel’s build process, identifying possible causes, and applying the step-by-step solutions outlined in this article, you can get your images and CSS files working seamlessly with Vercel. Remember to troubleshoot thoroughly, and don’t hesitate to seek community support if you’re still experiencing issues.

Cause Solution
Incorrect File Paths Verify File Paths
Missing Files Verify File Presence
Cache Issues Clear Cache and Redeploy
Plugin Configuration Review Plugin Configuration
Deployment Settings Review Deployment Settings

By following the solutions outlined in this article, you’ll be able to resolve the issue of Vercel not applying images and CSS files and get your website up and running smoothly.

Frequently Asked Question

Getting frustrated with Vercel not applying your CSS and images? Don’t worry, we’ve got the answers to get you back on track!

Why is Vercel not applying my CSS files?

This might be due to a misconfigured `vercel.json` file or incorrect file paths. Double-check that your CSS files are correctly referenced in your HTML files and that your `vercel.json` file is pointing to the correct directories. Also, make sure you’re not using relative URLs, as they can cause issues during deployment.

Are there any caching issues I should be aware of?

Yes, caching can be a culprit! Vercel caches resources to improve performance, but this can sometimes cause issues with updated CSS and images. Try invalidating the cache by redeploying your site or updating the cache headers in your `vercel.json` file. This should force Vercel to fetch the latest versions of your resources.

What if I’m using a CDN or external resources?

If you’re using a CDN or external resources, ensure that they’re properly configured and that the URLs are correct. Also, check if the CDN is caching the old versions of your resources. You might need to invalidate the cache or update the URLs to point to the latest versions.

Could my build process be the culprit?

Possibly! If your build process is not correctly configured, it might not be generating the correct files or paths for Vercel to pick up. Review your build process, and make sure it’s creating the correct files and folders. Also, check your `build` and `output` directories to ensure they contain the expected files.

What if none of the above solutions work?

Don’t panic! If none of the above solutions work, try debugging your deployment by checking the Vercel deployment logs or reach out to Vercel support for assistance. They can help you identify the issue and provide a solution specific to your case.

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