Select only distinct values from two tables on pgadmin without getting all combinations
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Select only distinct values from two tables on pgadmin without getting all combinations

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Are you stuck trying to retrieve only the distinct values from two tables in pgadmin without getting all the possible combinations? Well, worry no more! In this article, we’ll take you through a step-by-step guide on how to achieve this using various methods. But before we dive in, let’s first understand why this is a common problem and why it’s essential to solve it.

The Problem: Getting All Combinations

When you join two tables using the INNER JOIN, LEFT JOIN, RIGHT JOIN, or FULL OUTER JOIN statements, the result set can become enormous, especially if the tables have a large number of rows. This is because the JOIN operation returns all possible combinations of rows from both tables, which can lead to a massive result set.

For instance, if you have two tables, table_a with 10 rows and table_b with 10 rows, the result set would contain 100 rows (10 x 10). But what if you only want to retrieve the distinct values from both tables without getting all the combinations?

Method 1: Using the UNION Operator

One way to select only distinct values from two tables is by using the UNION operator. The UNION operator is used to combine the result sets of two or more SELECT statements. Here’s an example:

SELECT column_name FROM table_a
SELECT column_name FROM table_b;

In this example, the UNION operator combines the result sets of the two SELECT statements, eliminating duplicates and returning only the distinct values. Note that the column_name must be the same in both SELECT statements.

This method is useful when you want to retrieve distinct values from two tables, but it has a limitation. The UNION operator requires that the SELECT statements have the same number of columns, and the corresponding columns must have compatible data types.

Advantages of Using the UNION Operator

  • Returns only distinct values
  • Easy to implement
  • Faster execution time compared to other methods

Disadvantages of Using the UNION Operator

  • Requires same number of columns in both SELECT statements
  • Requires compatible data types for corresponding columns

Method 2: Using the DISTINCT Keyword

Another way to select only distinct values from two tables is by using the DISTINCT keyword. The DISTINCT keyword is used to return only unique values from a SELECT statement. Here’s an example:

FROM table_a
ON table_a.column_name = table_b.column_name;

In this example, the DISTINCT keyword is used to return only unique values from the SELECT statement. The FULL OUTER JOIN is used to combine the two tables, and the ON clause is used to specify the join condition.

This method is useful when you want to retrieve distinct values from two tables, but it has a limitation. The DISTINCT keyword can be slower than the UNION operator, especially for large tables.

Advantages of Using the DISTINCT Keyword

  • Returns only distinct values
  • Easy to implement

Disadvantages of Using the DISTINCT Keyword

  • Slower execution time compared to the UNION operator
  • Requires a join operation, which can be slower for large tables

Method 3: Using a Subquery

A third way to select only distinct values from two tables is by using a subquery. A subquery is a SELECT statement nested inside another SELECT statement. Here’s an example:

  SELECT column_name FROM table_a
  SELECT column_name FROM table_b
) AS subquery;

In this example, the subquery combines the two tables using the UNION ALL operator, and the outer SELECT statement uses the DISTINCT keyword to return only unique values.

This method is useful when you want to retrieve distinct values from two tables, but it has a limitation. The subquery can be slower than the UNION operator, especially for large tables.

Advantages of Using a Subquery

  • Returns only distinct values
  • Easy to implement

Disadvantages of Using a Subquery

  • Slower execution time compared to the UNION operator
  • Requires a subquery, which can be slower for large tables

Method 4: Using a Common Table Expression (CTE)

A fourth way to select only distinct values from two tables is by using a Common Table Expression (CTE). A CTE is a temporary result set that is defined within a SELECT statement. Here’s an example:

WITH cte AS (
  SELECT column_name FROM table_a
  SELECT column_name FROM table_b
FROM cte;

In this example, the CTE combines the two tables using the UNION ALL operator, and the outer SELECT statement uses the DISTINCT keyword to return only unique values.

This method is useful when you want to retrieve distinct values from two tables, and it has several advantages over other methods.

Advantages of Using a CTE

  • Returns only distinct values
  • Easy to implement
  • Faster execution time compared to other methods
  • Can be used to simplify complex queries

Disadvantages of Using a CTE

  • Requires PostgreSQL 8.4 or later
  • Can be slower for very large tables


In conclusion, selecting only distinct values from two tables in pgadmin without getting all combinations can be achieved using various methods, including the UNION operator, DISTINCT keyword, subquery, and Common Table Expression (CTE). Each method has its advantages and disadvantages, and the choice of method depends on the specific use case and requirements.

By following the instructions and explanations provided in this article, you should be able to select only distinct values from two tables in pgadmin without getting all combinations. Remember to choose the method that best suits your needs and optimize your queries for better performance.

Additional Tips and Tricks

  • Use the EXPLAIN command to analyze the query execution plan and optimize your queries.
  • Use indexes to improve query performance.
  • Use the UNION operator instead of the UNION ALL operator if you want to eliminate duplicates.
  • Use the DISTINCT keyword instead of the UNION operator if you want to retrieve distinct values from a single table.
Method Advantages Disadvantages
UNION Operator Returns only distinct values, easy to implement, faster execution time Requires same number of columns, requires compatible data types
DISTINCT Keyword Returns only distinct values, easy to implement Slower execution time, requires a join operation
Subquery Returns only distinct values, easy to implement Slower execution time, requires a subquery
CTE Returns only distinct values, easy to implement, faster execution time, can simplify complex queries Requires PostgreSQL 8.4 or later, can be slower for very large tables

By following the instructions and explanations provided in this article, you should be able to select only distinct values from two tables in pgadmin without getting all combinations. Remember to choose the method that best suits your needs and optimize your queries for better performance.

Frequently Asked Question

Having trouble getting distinct values from two tables in pgAdmin without getting all combinations? You’re not alone! Here are some frequently asked questions and their answers to help you out:

Q1: How do I select distinct values from two tables using a single query?

You can use the UNION operator to combine the results of two SELECT statements, each selecting distinct values from one table. For example: SELECT DISTINCT column1 FROM table1 UNION SELECT DISTINCT column1 FROM table2; This will return a single list of distinct values from both tables.

Q2: What if I want to select distinct values from two tables with join?

You can use the DISTINCT keyword in combination with a JOIN clause. For example: SELECT DISTINCT t1.column1, t2.column2 FROM table1 t1 JOIN table2 t2 ON =; This will return a list of distinct values from both tables, based on the join condition.

Q3: Can I use subqueries to select distinct values from two tables?

Yes, you can use subqueries to select distinct values from two tables. For example: SELECT DISTINCT column1 FROM table1 WHERE column1 IN (SELECT DISTINCT column1 FROM table2); This will return a list of distinct values from table1 that are also present in table2.

Q4: How do I select distinct values from two tables with different column names?

You can use the UNION operator with column aliases to select distinct values from two tables with different column names. For example: SELECT DISTINCT col1 AS common_column FROM table1 UNION SELECT DISTINCT col2 AS common_column FROM table2; This will return a single list of distinct values from both tables, with the column alias “common_column”.

Q5: Can I use aggregate functions with DISTINCT to select values from two tables?

Yes, you can use aggregate functions like COUNT, SUM, or AVG with the DISTINCT keyword to select values from two tables. For example: SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT column1) FROM table1 UNION SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT column1) FROM table2; This will return the count of distinct values from both tables.

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