Firebase Authentication Woes: Solving the “sms code has expired” Conundrum
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Firebase Authentication Woes: Solving the “sms code has expired” Conundrum

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Ah, the frustration of encountering the dreaded “ The sms code has expired. Please re-send the verification code to try again” error message! Don’t worry, dear developer, you’re not alone. This frustrating issue has plagued many a coder, but fear not, for we’re about to tackle it head-on and emerge victorious!

What’s causing the error?

Before we dive into the solutions, let’s take a step back and understand why this error occurs in the first place. The “sms code has expired” exception is thrown when the verification code sent to the user’s phone has expired, and Firebase Authentication can’t verify the user’s identity. This can happen due to various reasons, such as:

  • The user takes too long to enter the verification code
  • The user’s phone is not connected to the internet
  • The verification code is not entered correctly
  • Firebase Authentication’s timeout settings are not configured correctly

Solution 1: Resend the Verification Code

The simplest solution to this problem is to resend the verification code to the user’s phone. This can be done by calling the sendVerificationCode() method again, passing in the user’s phone number and the callbacks for success and failure. Here’s an example in Java:

FirebaseAuth auth = FirebaseAuth.getInstance();
auth.sendVerificationCode(phoneNumber, callbacks);

Note that you should handle the callbacks accordingly to notify the user of the outcome. For instance, you can display a success message or an error message depending on the result.

Solution 2: Handle the Error Gracefully

Instead of simply displaying an error message, you can handle the “sms code has expired” exception more elegantly. One approach is to prompt the user to re-request the verification code. You can do this by displaying a button or a link that, when clicked, resends the verification code. Here’s an example in HTML and JavaScript:

<button onclick="resendVerificationCode()">Resend Verification Code</button>

function resendVerificationCode() {
  // Call the sendVerificationCode() method again
  firebase.auth().sendVerificationCode(phoneNumber, callbacks);

Solution 3: Configure Firebase Authentication’s Timeout Settings

By default, Firebase Authentication’s timeout settings are set to 60 seconds. If the user doesn’t enter the verification code within this time frame, the code will expire, and the “sms code has expired” exception will be thrown. To increase the timeout period, you can configure the autoVerificationTimeout property in your Firebase Authentication settings. Here’s an example in JavaScript:

firebase.auth().settings.autoVerificationTimeout = 120000; // 2 minutes

Solution 4: Use a Custom Verification Flow

If the above solutions don’t meet your requirements, you can implement a custom verification flow that suits your needs. For instance, you can display a countdown timer that shows the user how much time is left to enter the verification code. When the timer expires, you can prompt the user to re-request the verification code. Here’s a high-level example in HTML, CSS, and JavaScript:

<div id="timer"></div>
<button onclick="resendVerificationCode()">Resend Verification Code</button>

function startTimer() {
  var timer = 120; // 2 minutes
  var interval = setInterval(function() {
    document.getElementById("timer").innerHTML = "Time left: " + timer + " seconds";
    if (timer <= 0) {
      document.getElementById("timer").innerHTML = "Verification code has expired. Please re-request.";
  }, 1000);

function resendVerificationCode() {
  // Call the sendVerificationCode() method again
  firebase.auth().sendVerificationCode(phoneNumber, callbacks);

Best Practices

To avoid the “sms code has expired” exception altogether, follow these best practices:

  1. Use a clear and concise error message: Inform the user that the verification code has expired and provide instructions on how to re-request the code.
  2. Provide a retry mechanism: Offer the user an option to re-request the verification code, either by clicking a button or by entering their phone number again.
  3. Set a reasonable timeout period: Configure the autoVerificationTimeout property to a reasonable value, taking into account the average time it takes for users to enter the verification code.
  4. Implement a custom verification flow: Consider implementing a custom verification flow that suits your application’s requirements, such as displaying a countdown timer or sending reminders to users.


And there you have it, folks! By following these solutions and best practices, you can effectively handle the “ The sms code has expired. Please re-send the verification code to try again” error and provide a seamless user experience. Remember to stay calm, stay patient, and stay coding!

Solution Description
Resend the Verification Code Call the sendVerificationCode() method again to resend the verification code to the user’s phone.
Handle the Error Gracefully Prompt the user to re-request the verification code by displaying a button or link.
Configure Firebase Authentication’s Timeout Settings Increase the timeout period by configuring the autoVerificationTimeout property.
Use a Custom Verification Flow Implement a custom verification flow that suits your application’s requirements, such as displaying a countdown timer.

Frequently Asked Question

Having trouble with the pesky “ The sms code has expired. Please re-send the verification code to try again” error? Worry not, friend! We’ve got the answers to your burning questions.

What does this error message even mean?

Don’t worry, it’s not as scary as it sounds! This error message simply means that the SMS verification code you received has expired. It’s like a timer ran out, and you need to get a new code to complete the verification process.

How do I resend the verification code?

Easy peasy! You can simply re-request the verification code from the Firebase authentication system. This will send a new code to your phone, and you can use that to complete the verification process. Just try again, and you’ll be good to go!

Why does the SMS code expire in the first place?

The SMS code expires to prevent unauthorized access to your account. It’s an extra layer of security to ensure that only you, the legitimate user, can complete the verification process. Think of it like a temporary password that’s only valid for a short period of time.

How long does the SMS code remain valid?

The SMS code typically remains valid for a short period of time, usually around 5-10 minutes. This time frame may vary depending on the Firebase authentication settings and your phone’s reception. If you receive the code, make sure to enter it quickly to avoid any issues!

What if I’ve entered the correct code, but I still get this error?

Hmmm, that’s odd! If you’re sure you’ve entered the correct code, try checking your phone’s reception and ensure you have a stable internet connection. If the issue persists, you can try re-requesting the verification code or reaching out to Firebase support for further assistance.

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