How To Create a “Select Levels Games” using JavaFX?
Image by Morgan -

How To Create a “Select Levels Games” using JavaFX?

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Are you ready to take your JavaFX skills to the next level? In this article, we’ll guide you through the process of creating a “Select Levels Games” using JavaFX. Yes, you read that right – we’ll be building a game that lets users select different levels to play! So, buckle up and let’s get started.

What You’ll Need

Before we dive into the coding part, make sure you have the following:

  • Java Development Kit (JDK) installed on your computer
  • Eclipse or any other IDE of your choice
  • A basic understanding of Java and JavaFX

Understanding the Game Structure

Our “Select Levels Games” will consist of three main components:

  1. Main Menu: This is where the user will select the level they want to play.
  2. Level Selection Screen: This screen will display the available levels, and the user can select one to play.
  3. Game Screen: This is where the actual game will be played.

The main menu will contain a button that says “Select Level”. When the user clicks on this button, they will be taken to the Level Selection Screen.

// Create a button
Button selectLevelButton = new Button("Select Level");

// Add an event handler to the button
selectLevelButton.setOnAction(e -> {
    // Show the Level Selection Screen

Level Selection Screen

The Level Selection Screen will display a list of available levels. We’ll use a ListView to display the levels.

// Create a ListView
ListView<String> levelListView = new ListView<>();

// Add some sample levels to the ListView
levelListView.getItems().addAll("Level 1", "Level 2", "Level 3", "Level 4", "Level 5");

// Add an event handler to the ListView
levelListView.getSelectionModel().selectedItemProperty().addListener((obs, oldVal, newVal) -> {
    // Get the selected level
    String selectedLevel = levelListView.getSelectionModel().getSelectedItem();
    // Show the Game Screen with the selected level

Game Screen

The Game Screen is where the actual game will be played. We’ll create a simple game that displays a message based on the selected level.

// Create a label to display the message
Label messageLabel = new Label("");

// Create a method to show the Game Screen with the selected level
private void gameScreen(String selectedLevel) {
    // Clear the Game Screen
    // Set the message based on the selected level
    switch (selectedLevel) {
        case "Level 1":
            messageLabel.setText("You selected Level 1!");
        case "Level 2":
            messageLabel.setText("You selected Level 2!");
        // Add more cases for each level
    // Add the label to the Game Screen

Putting it All Together

Now that we have the individual components, let’s put them together to create the complete game.

// Create the Main Menu
Scene mainMenuScene = new Scene(new VBox(selectLevelButton), 300, 200);

// Create the Level Selection Screen
Scene levelSelectionScene = new Scene(new VBox(levelListView), 300, 200);

// Create the Game Screen
Scene gameScene = new Scene(new VBox(), 300, 200);

// Show the Main Menu

Running the Game

Run the game by clicking on the “Run” button in your IDE or by executing the JavaFX application from the command line.

Step Action
1 Click on the “Select Level” button in the Main Menu.
2 Select a level from the Level Selection Screen.
3 The Game Screen will display a message based on the selected level.


And that’s it! You’ve successfully created a “Select Levels Games” using JavaFX. Pat yourself on the back, because you’ve just taken a major step in becoming a JavaFX master.

Of course, this is just the tip of the iceberg. You can add more features, levels, and complexity to your game as you see fit. The possibilities are endless!

Bonus Materials

Want to take your game to the next level? Here are some bonus materials to get you started:

Happy coding, and remember to have fun!

Frequently Asked Question

Are you ready to level up your JavaFX game development skills? Here are the answers to the most frequently asked questions about creating a “Select Levels” game using JavaFX:

What are the essential JavaFX components required to create a “Select Levels” game?

You’ll need a combination of JavaFX components such as BorderPane, Button, Label, ListView, and ImageView to create a “Select Levels” game. The Button component will allow players to select their desired level, while the ListView component will display the list of levels. The ImageView component can be used to display level icons or thumbnails, and the Label component can be used to display level descriptions or instructions.

How do I create a dynamic ListView that populates level data from a database or a database file?

To create a dynamic ListView, you can use JavaFX’s ObservableList and bindings to populate level data from a database or a database file. You’ll need to create a database connection, retrieve the level data, and then bind the data to the ListView using the setItems() method. You can also use JavaFX’s Properties and Bindings API to automatically update the ListView when the level data changes.

How do I handle player selection and navigation between levels using JavaFX events and handlers?

To handle player selection and navigation, you can use JavaFX’s event handling mechanism to attach handlers to the Button components that represent each level. When a player selects a level, the handler can retrieve the selected level data and navigate to the corresponding game scene. You can use JavaFX’s Scene and Stage API to manage the navigation between scenes.

Can I use JavaFX’s CSS styling to customize the appearance of my “Select Levels” game?

Absolutely! JavaFX’s CSS styling allows you to customize the appearance of your “Select Levels” game using CSS syntax. You can create a custom CSS file that defines styles for your JavaFX components, such as buttons, labels, and list views, to give your game a unique look and feel. You can also use JavaFX’s built-in CSS properties and pseudo-classes to create dynamic effects and animations.

How do I deploy my “Select Levels” game created with JavaFX to a desktop or mobile platform?

To deploy your “Select Levels” game, you can use JavaFX’s built-in deployment tools, such as the JavaFX Packager, to create a standalone installer for desktop platforms. For mobile platforms, you can use third-party solutions, such as Gluon Mobile, to deploy your game to Android and iOS devices. You can also use JavaFXPorts to deploy your game to other platforms, such as Raspberry Pi or Embedded Systems.

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